

椅子: 乍得艾弗里
电话: (435) 893-2257
电子邮件: 乍得.avery@雪.edu

部门网页: www.雪.edu/industrialtech 

工业技术部 focuses on 4 key programs to instruct students in 这是当今就业市场最重要的方面. 你将完成我们的课程 a knowledge of industry standards, proficiency in state-­of-­the-­art techniques, 以及在任何就业市场竞争的能力. 我们的实践课程和经验 教师确保你的学习经验不仅仅来自教科书, but rather from gaining actual working experience with high-tech 设备 and methods 完成各种项目. 



联系人:  艾伦•哈特
电话: (435) 893-2250
电子邮件: 艾伦.hart@雪.edu


The program is intended for students interested in working in manufacturing settings as a general manufacturing technician for manufacturing, processing, or other production 环境. 工业制造技术课程为学生准备 install, maintain, diagnose/troubleshoot, and repair complex and integrated manufacturing 设备/系统.

这个程序 is designed to give students a basic knowledge of maintaining and repairing 制造设施内的各种机器和机械系统. 通过 lecture and practical lab experience students will learn the industrial manufacturing 当今行业所需的技能.

学生 pay regular college tuition plus the cost of tools, coveralls, and safety 训练期间的设备. 购买的设备属于个人财产 学生的.

As an industrial manufacturing mechanic, students will be maintaining and repairing a wide variety of machines, mechanical systems including factory machinery, food processing machinery, 纺织机械、运输设备、金属加工机械. 学生将诊断机械、气动、液压和电气问题. 学生 will be working with mathematics, blueprint reading, welding, electronics, and computers.

学生将 be required to pass an entrance test with math and reading scores of 适当的水平. 如果分数太低,学生将需要额外的计划 是时候在进入项目后纠正这些技能了. 


A student who completes a composites certificate at 雪的大学 should expect to 带着以下结果离开.


  • 学生将 understand the fundamentals of composite manufacturing and the relationship 复合材料应用于航空航天及相关行业.
  • 学生将 understand that composite manufacturing encompasses planning, production, 复合产品的加工、实施.


  • 学生将 be able to produce clear, concise, purposeful, and grammatically correct 行业标准文档.


  • 学生将 be able to use industry standard computations to perform accurate calculations 适用于复合材料制造工艺.


  • 学生将 be able to effectively use composite technology to accomplish tasks 在一个动态变化的复合材料行业.
  • 学生将能够使用行业标准技术制作项目.


学生 who complete an AAS degree or certificates in 工业制造 Mechanics 技术 will be expected to demonstrate that they have acquired 技能/knowledge 在以下方面:

  • Manual dexterity – when handling very small parts, workers must have a steady hand 以及良好的手眼协调能力.
  • 机械技能-使用复杂的诊断设备进行故障排除.
  • 技术技能-使用复杂的诊断设备进行故障排除.
  • Troubleshooting 技能 – must observe and properly diagnose and fix problems that 一台机器可能正在.
  • Design – must have knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principals involved 在生产精密技术方案,蓝图,图纸和模型.
  • Mathematics – knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and 他们的应用程序.
  • Judgment and decision making – industrial manufacturing mechanics must have the ability to measure the relative cost and benefits of potential actions to choose the most 适当的决定.
  • Operation and control – controlling operations of manufacturing 设备 or system.
  • Critical thinking – use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses 不同的解决方案、结论或解决问题的方法.



联系人: 肯·艾弗里
电话: (435) 893-2250
电子邮件: 肯.avery@雪.edu

网页: www.雪.edu/indm 

这个程序 is designed to give students a basic knowledge of maintaining and repairing 各种机器和机械系统. 通过讲座和实验室实践经验 学生将学习当今工业所需的工业机械技能.

学生 pay regular college tuition plus the cost of tools, coveralls, and safety 训练期间的设备. 购买的设备属于个人财产 学生的.

As an industrial mechanic, students will be maintaining and repairing a wide variety of machines, mechanical systems including factory machinery, food processing machinery, 纺织机械、运输设备、金属加工机械. 学生 能诊断机械、气动、液压和电气问题吗. 学生将 be working with mathematics, blueprint reading, welding, electronics, and computers.

学生将 be required to pass an entrance test with math and reading scores of 适当的水平. 如果分数太低,学生将需要额外的计划 是时候在进入项目后纠正这些技能了.


学生 who complete an AAS degree or certificates in 工业机械 技术 will be expected to demonstrate that they have acquired 技能/knowledge in the following 领域:

  • Manual dexterity – when handling very small parts, workers must have a steady hand 以及良好的手眼协调能力.
  • 机械技能-使用复杂的诊断设备进行故障排除.
  • 技术技能-使用复杂的诊断设备进行故障排除.
  • Troubleshooting 技能 – must observe and properly diagnose and fix problems that 一台机器可能正在.
  • Design – must have knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principals involved 在生产精密技术方案,蓝图,图纸和模型.
  • Mathematics – knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and 他们的应用程序.
  • Judgment and decision making – industrial manufacturing mechanics must have the ability to measure the relative cost and benefits of potential actions to choose the most 适当的决定.
  • Operation and control – controlling operations of manufacturing 设备 or system.
  • Critical thinking – use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses 不同的解决方案、结论或解决问题的方法.



联系人: 艾伦•哈特
电话: (435) 893-2250
电子邮件:  艾伦.hart@雪.edu

网页: www.雪.edu/mtt 

雪的大学 offers a 机床技术 program of 63 semester hours of instruction 这为学生满足工作入门要求做好了准备.

The machine tool program is designed to give students a basic knowledge of machining 技能. 课程内容包括:数学,蓝图阅读,常规车床和铣床 operation, feeds and speeds, grinder operation, and the operation of computer numerical 控制(CNC)车床和铣床. 通过讲座和实验室的实践经验,学生 能否掌握当今行业所需的机床操作技能.

学生 pay regular college tuition plus the cost of tools, coveralls, and safety 训练期间的设备. 购买的设备属于个人财产 学生的.


Exact course descriptions and hours for the 雪的大学 机床技术 program match with other state schools and use national and international curriculum and task 列表. 院校之间已经建立了合作关系来接收学生 学时和学分. 学生们在PG电子官方免费下载里奇菲尔德校区接受培训, 原SVATC,自1993年起. 

学生将 be required to pass an entrance test with math and reading scores of 适当的水平. 如果分数太低,学生将需要额外的计划 是时候在进入项目前纠正这些技能了.


学生 who complete an AAS degree or certificates in 机床技术 at PG电子官方免费下载需要证明他们:

  • 有机械加工知识,是吗.e.、车床操作、铣床操作; Computer Numerical Control basics, drilling machines, and other machine shop support 设备.
  • 了解机械车间的安全和行为规则.
  • Have a basic knowledge of quality control, measuring instruments, and blueprint reading.
  • 了解刀具和材料冶金的基本知识.
  • 能遵循行业要求的指引和标准吗.
  • Produce quality machined products in a safe, time efficient manner according to required 规范.
  • 对自己的技能和能力感到自豪.
  • 培养个人的创造力和想象力.
  • 获得领导和帮助他人与他们一起成长的能力.
  • Have an increase in individual self-esteem as they receive recognition from a job 做得好.



联系人: 乔西方
电话: (435) 893-2220
电子邮件: 乔.western@雪.edu

网页: www.雪.edu/weld 

雪的大学 offers a 焊接技术 program of approximately 63 semester hours 指导,这使学生准备满足工作的入职要求. 这个程序 covers all welding processes commonly used in the fabrication, repair, and construction 行业. 它是通过焊接在板和管,并使用黑色金属和 有色金属材料.

学生 pay regular college tuition plus the cost of tools, coveralls, and safety 训练期间的设备. 购买的设备属于个人财产 学生的.

学生有两种选择. 他们可以获得(1)应用科学副学士学位 in 焊接技术, or (2) complete any one or more of specific Welding courses 没有完成学位.

焊接技术课程的确切课程描述和学时与 其他州立学校使用国内和国际课程和任务清单. 院校之间已经建立了合作关系来接收学生 hours 和信贷.


学生 who complete an AAS 焊接技术 at 雪的大学 will demonstrate that 他们:

  • Have a knowledge of welding technology 技能; i.e.、安全、氧乙炔焊接; cutting, shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, flux cored arc welding, gas metal arc welding, flux cored arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, blueprint 阅读、应用数学、冶金、电气安全等.
  • 了解规范和标准.
  • 了解行业中使用的工具.
  • 有人际交往技巧的知识.
  • 能在车间展示良好的安全措施吗.
  • 完成每门课程80%的技能/任务列表.
  • 正确焊接所有位置.
  • 对自己的技能和能力感到自豪.
  • 了解发展手眼协调能力的必要性.
  • Have a feeling of confidence as they successfully complete required work assignments.
